Bench Units
The Bench Units Podcast
Lukas Gloßner: "It's Like a Double S"

Lukas Gloßner: "It's Like a Double S"

Fresh off of a first selection to the German National Team, we are joined by the man the Spanish commentators call "Globner".

As we get our episode schedule back on track for the stretch run of the season, we fall back on the tried-and-tested formula of roping in one of James’ teammates.

Lukas talks to us about his first professional season, the jump to Spain, Germany's youth movement and how it has all lead to his first-time selection to his Senior National Squad.

Lukas also lets us in on what it's like to have James as an in-game translator, who his favourite roommate is and the weirdest thing he's ever seen on a basketball court!

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Bench Units
The Bench Units Podcast
Have you ever been in a room with James and Mark while they talk about basketball and other stuff and thought "wow, I want to hear more of this"? No? Well, this is your chance.